Alydi Tech

Instruction page for mailFi

Thank you for your purchase of MailFi. We really appreciate your business and look forward to hearing about your experience with your sensor.


Setup and install time is 1/2 hr. Having trouble? Schedule a troubleshooting appointment here 


Setup Requires:

2X  new AAA batteries

SSID and Password for 2.4Ghz Wifi Network

Blue Tac, putty, double sided tape, or used bubble gum (please don't re-chew after use) to temporarily align the sensor.

Smart Life app

 (optional) Alexa or Google Home 

Setup Smart Life ** Required


** Please use instructions below with available videos**

1. Press firmly on the white button atop the larger side of the sensor, gently pull away the battery compartment per above image. 

2. Install 2x AAA battery, be mindful of polarity. Leave the battery cover off.

3. Connect the device (smart phone or tablet) you will use to configure mailFi to your homes 2.4Ghz network. Not sure how to determine which one is the 2.4Ghz or if you have a 2.4Ghz network, click here for instructions to verify your network.  


4. Download the Smart Life App from your choice of app vendor Smart Life install and setup the app, (create your unique account, keep the password safe)

5. Click the + button in the upper right corner of the  App, to add a new sensor.



6. Select Security & Sensor from the left - then scroll down and select "Contact Sensor (Wi-Fi)"

 scroll to sensor alydi alexa 


7. (The next screen will have you reset the device) Press firmly (and for several seconds) on the black button located near the top of the device under the battery panel that should still be removed from step 2. (* the tamper wheel has been disabled.)

Confirm that the device blinks VERY rapidly, if it blinks slowly press down again on the black button till it blinks 2-3 times per second. Click Confirm on the app. 

8. (if you don't see this page, it's because you are connected to 5Ghz rather than 2.4. Please check your router settings before proceeding)

  Click Change Network to select your Wifi Network (SSID). 

Enter the password and click Confirm.SmartLife_6  

9. After your sensor has been found, click "Done", Congratulations, you have configured your Sensor. Replace the battery cover. Try out the sensor. When you separate the parts you will get a message on your device stating that the sensor was closed.

Alexa Family MailFi instructions Alexa Setup 

********* 6/9/2020 ****** Alexa notifications are now available. Your feedback at Jason@Alydi.Com is appreciated. Thanks, - Jason 

If you'd rather not test the new, simpler, notification function please continue with the video above, or instruction below.

1. Open the Alexa App, press the 3 bars in the upper left corner, in the drop down that appears select Skills and Games.

2.  Use the magnifying glass from the upper right corner to search for Smart Life. Choose the official Smart Life app.

Alexa Smart Life

Enable To Use

3. Authenticate your Smart Life Account. Click Authorize.

4. Close the "Successfully Linked" window as instructed by clicking the X in the upper left corner. 

5. Discover Devices window will auto populate. Click Discover Devices. 

6. Alexa will have discovered your new Contact Sensor. Alexa prompts to add your sensor to a group or skip. mailFi does not require a group, you can add mailFi to a group if desired, we skipped for our purposes. Select Done

7. From the Alexa home screen select the new sensor or go to "All Devices" and select the "Mailbox Sensor".alexa Sensor


8. On the same screen click Create A Routine


 9.  Click the plus alexa in the center or upper right corner to create a new routine

9.5. Click the plus Alexa across from "Enter routine name"  and enter a memorable routine name, followed by the Next button in the upper right.

10. Click the alexa plus across from "When This Happens"

10.5 (optional) you can set the "active time" when you want these notifications to occur, this is helpful if you don't want Alexa notifying you too early in the morning or too late in the evening. 

11. Click the plus alexa across from "Add Action"

At this point the sensor will now announce that you've gotten mail any time it senses an open between the two parts. Try it out.  ** Update Dec 12th. If no SOUND use "Messaging" and "Send Announcement" rather than "Alexa Says" and "Customized"  


Installation in the mailbox.mailbox drawing mailFi

1. The larger side of the device must be installed inside of the the mailbox to prevent it from being saturated with water. The smaller side will be installed on the door of the mailbox as it's components are water resistant. 

2. Alydi recommends using a temporary adhesive like blu-tack to position the sensor temporarily to get the alignment correct. The parts do not have to mate together perfectly, they can over-lap, under-lap be positioned sideways, as long as the blue light near the birds head illuminates momentarily when the parts are separated and once again when they come together, than you know you've got good placement. 

3.  Prep the surface. The surface of the sensor and the mailbox must be clean and free of any oils or loose particles, your mailFi came with an alcohol prep pad, it must be used to get a proper bond to the surface. 

4. The adhesive is Automotive Grade and will bond instantly and be completely cured after 72hrs. The adhesive will be 80% cured after the first 24hrs, 92% after 48hrs and 100% after 72hrs. 


If you don't want the notifications on your smart phone simply turn them off on the Smart Life app. Go to the settings tab for your sensor, use the pencil and paper icon in the upper left hand corner of the sensor status page for more information, firmware update, and removal of the sensor from Smart Life. (it can be re added).


Congratulations, you've made it, You're now receiving Alexa alerts when your mailbox door is activated. Why not add a smart bulb and turn on the porch light every time the mailbox opens? 

Need assistance? 

Schedule a troubleshooting appointment here 


Thanks again,
